Made-to-measure elements, covers and bases in all the materials and thicknesses you need, cut to your shape or to our own.
The digital solution for thermoformed foot orthotics.
Communicate on your screens via videos specially created by PODIATECH and tailored to your business and your services.
Bringing your business project to fruition, from creation to optimisation.
Discover the podia-finder, to assist you in choosing the material best suited to your needs !
Podiatech takes part in a wide range of trade fairs and events. Find out more!
Podiatech offers a wide range of training courses to pass on our expertise to foot care professionals.
Find out more about our partnerships, including with professional sportspeople such as cycling and running teams!
Discover information and advice on podiatry and chiropody from Podiatech!
Treatment units enabling spray technique treatments.
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